
In Ireland, the number of people, suffering from various psychological and neurological disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, or epilepsy, is increasing every year. Pregabalin is one of the most effective drugs for treating them.

Carefully read the overview of this powerful antiepileptic drug to know how effectively it helps to control partial seizures. Pregabalin is an effective anticonvulsant that Irish neurologists or psychiatrists often prescribe for the treatment of:

  • generalized anxiety disorder,
  • epilepsy and for partial seizures amelioration,
  • neuropathic pain, associated with the CNS injury or dysfunction.

Pregabalin is a structural analogue of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which performs the function of the inhibitory neurotransmitter in the nervous system. This drug helps to suppress the neural activity in the CNS.

The action mechanism of Pregabalin lies in bounding to calcium channels and increasing GABA neurotransmitter transportation. Through this action, this medicine exerts a strong anticonvulsant effect.

If you want to start the treatment of anxiety or epilepsy today, buy Pregabalin on an online pharmacy right now. This medicine will help you control your seizures and significantly improve life quality.

Its most popular brands in Ireland are Brieka and Lyrica. Until 2014, Pfizer Company was the distributor of the branded drug Lyrica in Ireland. Today, however, it supplies its analogue under the generic name Pregabalin.

Other distributors of Pregabalin in Ireland are such popular pharmaceutical companies, as Wockhardt UK, Accord, Clonmel, KRKA, Milpharm, Mylan, Sandoz, Teva, Zentiva and Brieka.

Today, this drug is supplied to the Irish market only in the form of capsules. Yet, if you suffer from dysphagia, which makes it difficult for you to administer solid dosage forms, you should buy Pregabalin oral solution online.

Pregabalin regularly scheduled time varies, depending on the patient’s age, the type and intensity of the illness, as well as his history of other anticonvulsants administration, such as Retigabine (Trobalt) or Zonisamide (Zonegran):

  • The treatment of anxiety disorder or epilepsy is recommended to start with the minimum therapeutic Pregabalin dose of 150 mg per day, divided into three to four intakes.
  • If this dose promotes an insufficient clinical response of the patient, it may be increased by 150 mg, not more than once a week.
  • The maximum daily dose of Pregabalin is 600 mg, which should be divided into three or four intakes.

A sharp abolition of this drug may cause withdrawal syndrome, which expresses in form of fatigue, lethargy or nausea. To avoid the abstinence syndrome symptoms, patient should gradually lower the dose of Pregabalin within approximately one week before he stops the treatment of epilepsy and anxiety.

When Pregabalin is taken orally on an empty stomach, it is rapidly absorbed and distributed throughout the body in approximately one hour. Its half-life is about six hours, so this anticonvulsant may be taken four times a day maximum.

Before you buy Pregabalin online or in an Irish pharmacy, find out about its contraindications and precautions that you should observe while using the drug.

Pregabalin is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys in an unmodified form. Du to this, dose adjustment may be required in patients on hemodialysis or with:

  • low creatine clearance,
  • renal failure,
  • involutional changes.

This anticonvulsant is not recommended for children or adolescents under 17 years of age. Furthermore, it may penetrate into breast milk, or placenta. Pregabalin is, therefore, contraindicated in women during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

If the doctor prescribed Pregabalin during lactation, do not feed your baby with your breast milk. Infants should be fed with a special infant formula, while you use this antiepileptic drug.

Pregabalin is not bound to proteins in blood plasma and undergoes little metabolism. Therefore, the probability of its impact on the effect of such medications, as Phenytoin (Epanutin), Carbamazepine (Tegretol), or Valproic Acid (Epilim Chrono), is extremely small.

However, before you buy Pregabalin online, read the information about its possible drug interactions with other medications. This anticonvulsant should be used with caution in combination with:

  • Lorazepam (Ativan); Pregabalin may increase the drug efficiency, thus increasing the risk of adverse reactions, including fatigue and ataxia.
  • Oxycodone (Oximel), because of a possible risk increase for cognitive function deterioration. Plus, simultaneous use of this drug with Pregabalin may cause impaired memory and loss of concentration.
  • CNS depressants, such as Diazepam (Stesolid) or Zolpidem (Stilnoct), due to an increased risk of respiratory failure.

Abstain from alcohol while using Pregabalin, and do not take these capsules during alcoholic intoxication. This will allow you to avoid such side effects of this anticonvulsant, as dizziness, drowsiness, or headache.

Adverse reactions of Pregabalin may be mild or moderate, and pass quickly, when the dose is lowered. In general, this medication causes a positive reaction in most patients and helps them get rid of seizures or anxiety in just a few months.

The results of numerous clinical and pre-clinical studies confirm the high efficacy of Pregabalin. Having bought it, you will quickly and effectively cure anxiety disorder, as well as reduce the intensity of partial seizures.

This anticonvulsant has been approved in Ireland in 2004, and has been widely recognized since then by Irish experts in the field of psychiatry and neurology. Before buying it, you may check out Pregabalin online reviews from other patients.